our approach to Integrative oncology

Our integrative cancer CARE team

What is integrative oncology?

integrative oncology (IO) is a patient-centred, evidence-informed field of cancer care that utilises psychological, nutritional, lifestyle and complementary interventions alongside conventional cancer treatments to support better quality of life, improve resilience, minimise the side effects of treatment and improve outcomes.

Integrative oncology uses a broad range of modalities alongside:

  • Sleep and stress management advice, including health and emotional wellbeing coaching as needed

  • Physical activity suggestions, e.g. general guidance or specific rehabilitation

  • Medical input as needed if you are seeing one of our doctors, including in-depth testing and medication review

  • Additional modalities, e.g. scar work delivered by our physiotherapist, herbal medicine input, mistletoe, nutrient infusions

  • Referrals to other professionals both within and outside the clinic, e.g. yoga or yoga therapy, acupuncture and more

To find out more about the approach, please see Dr Fuller-Shavel’s blog on the Oncio website here.

Types of cancer we support at SYnthesis CLinic

  • Breast cancer - oestrogen positive breast cancer, HER2 positive breast cancer, triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)

  • Gynaecological cancers - ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, vaginal cancer

  • Colorectal cancer

  • Lung cancer

  • Prostate cancer

  • Other solid tumours, including but not limited to brain cancer, melanoma, various gastrointestinal cancers, and rarer cancers, such as sarcomas, angiosarcomas and NETs (neuroendocrine tumours)

Please note that we currently do not offer support for blood cancers (haematological malignancies) unless there is a direct referral from the oncology team. This is because of a number of intricacies around these types of cancers, including high intensity treatment regimes, bone marrow transplantation and the use of blood products, which require close collaboration.

How do we support people with a cancer diagnosis at the clinic?

All our nutrition and medical professionals use the Systems Approach to Cancer for assessment at our practice, created by Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel. At Synthesis Clinic we offer a broad integrative medicine toolkit to provide personalised and targeted support to clients with a cancer diagnosis, from nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle plans to herbal medicine, rehabilitation, ScarWork and emotional wellbeing support. We also refer to additional therapeutic modalities as needed. Our doctors may prescribe medications for personalised support but we do not prescribe protocols. We believe in looking after people, not running a generic ‘one size fits all’ conveyor belt.

We use a truly integrated approach where members of our multidisciplinary team meet regularly to discuss their approach to each individual and to ensure everybody in the team is united behind you.

Please note that our nutrition team are not able to work with integrative doctors outside our direct referral network, as we aim to keep an aligned and consistent approach. If you have other people apart from your oncology team involved in your care, you will need to notify us and discuss this with our clinic coordinator before booking in.

How can integrative cancer support help me?

  • Support pre-habilitation (preparation for treatment) before surgery or chemotherapy for better treatment tolerance and recovery

  • Help reduce side effects of treatment and potentially support clinical outcomes

  • Assist with recovery following active treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy)

  • Help manage recurrence risk and long-term effects of treatment in cancer survivors

  • Support ongoing treatment and quality of life when living with metastatic cancer

How do integrative cancer support packages work?

Usually you would start with an initial package with one of our nutrition and lifestyle professionals who are trained in integrative cancer support. The package includes an initial consultation of 90 minutes with two follow-up consultation of 60 minutes and two catch up calls between consultations of 30 minutes. Please note that this package is designed to be completed within 3 months and a maximum of 6 months, we are not able to offer appointments included in the package beyond this timeline.

Following the initial 90 min consultation in your package, if there is a need for a medical or integrative support referral within the clinic, this will be discussed in the weekly multidisciplinary team meeting. Subject to availability, you may be offered a short medical or herbal medicine/mistletoe review session with Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel to support your nutrition and lifestyle plan. For more complex cases, an in-depth integrative medicine and precision health package for cancer support with Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel may be booked (according to availability).

We have detailed forms that need to be completed prior to the consultation to enable us to help you in the best way possible, and we always ask for copies of medical letters and most recent test results to be uploaded to our secure portal. This enables us to make sure we are truly integrating with any NHS or private care you are receiving for safe and effective practice.

Please see further general information about our integrative oncology services and some important FAQs below.

Programme costs

  • 3-month nutrition package with one of our nutrition team - includes an initial consultation of 90 minutes with two follow-up consultation of 60 minutes and two catch up calls between consultations of 30 minutes (please note that this package is designed to be completed within 3 months and a maximum of 6 months)

  • Written personalised health plans with recipes and supporting information are provided

  • Total cost - £600

  • Follow-up support package - includes three follow-up consultations of 45 minutes with additional supporting information and recipes

    • Total cost - £330

Please see further individual costs under specific treatment modalities list or click on the team member you are interested in at the top of the page.

Important notice - please note that Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel is currently fully booked, and we are not accepting new enquiries apart from specific urgent referrals from our oncology partners.

Integrative cancer care/ integrative oncology consultations

We offer in-person appointments and online consultations with our specialists in integrative cancer care, including medical, nutrition, physiotherapy and psycho-emotional wellbeing professionals. Synthesis Clinic is located between King Somborne and Stockbridge near Winchester. You’ll find us within easy reach of Salisbury, Romsey and Andover.


Please note that coming to see our team is not a substitute for standard NHS care, including acute care services. We do not provide emergency services.

Please note that nutritional therapy is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, including cancer. Nutritional therapy is about supporting the body’s resilience and whole person wellbeing, and we always aim to work collaboratively with oncology services.