AGA kehinde

Health and wellbeing coach

Qualified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting (MRT) practitioner

Background in oncology and oncology research working as a cancer educator and clinical nurse specialist for over 20 years

Areas of specialist interest:

  • Cancer coaching, pre-habilitation and rehabilitation

  • Supporting clients with cancer and other chronic diseases (including autoimmunity)

  • Emotional wellbeing coaching for anxiety, stress and burnout

I deeply believe in human’s inherent abilities to move through life’s adversities, heal, grow and thrive in spite of the challenges life can throw at us. As a cancer coach and educator I support individuals who have experienced serious life challenges and other long-term health conditions.

I partner with clients to support and navigate them through the chaos of a medical diagnosis and everything that comes with it. Together we co-create wellbeing strategies to reclaim purpose and meaning in your life so that you will be able to move forward from a life-changing diagnosis in the way you need and desire.

I have created a hybrid approach that uses a full body-mind-energy experience for achieving holistic wellbeing. I draw from my lifetime experience as a nurse and combine it with multiple techniques including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Matrix Reprinting Technique (MRT) and NLP. This allows me to create an empowering self-development model for my individual clients.

How do I help?

Coaching will help you and your family at varying stages of the journey, from early stages of diagnosis and treatment, to living with and beyond chronic disease, including cancer.

My coaching approach is all about creating a safe space in which you are gently steered to reconnect with your natural skills for self-management, resilience and self-reliance. All the inherent skills and capabilities that we often get disconnected from when a medical diagnosis is given to us.

I will partner up with you to provide a safe space to have the difficult conversation, remove unwanted behaviours, overcome fears and anxieties, build confidence and self-reliance. I will equip you with tools for health optimisation, grounding and learning, all aligned and in support with other treatment and health management plans.

Coaching benefits

Coaching will allow you to:

  • Discover new ways of looking at life with less resentment and more acceptance.

  • Understand the connection between what is happening in your life and how is this manifesting in your body

  • Learn about body and mind and how by connecting the two, you can bring control back to your life

  • Prioritise what is important in life, learn to rest appropriately, so you have energy to enjoy the things you love

  • Overcome fears and anxieties about the future by looking at the past experiences and patterns of behaviour, and building a plan for the future

  • Use Emotional Freedom Technique to clear the emotional burden that often affects us in the present moment and keeps us unable to move forward.

  • Review what is working and not working in all aspect in life (body, mind, emotions, social and spiritual) and make necessary adjustments for the overall wellbeing

Aga’s areas of expertise

  • Empowerment for making lasting health behaviour changes

  • Supporting individuals through health crisis, building resilience, confidence and acceptance

  • Health and wellbeing education and promotion

  • Stress and anxiety management

health and wellbeing Coaching fees

  • £85 for 60 min session

  • £320 for a block of 4 sessions without online VUCANAV programme access

  • £360 for a block of 4 sessions, including online VUCANAV programme access for additional support

EFT for emotional wellbeing

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), also known as tapping, is a very effective daily technique that can be used to manage feelings of stress and support mood. Find out more about EFT here.

The best way to train your body to automatically reach out for EFT when experiencing stress is to incorporate tapping into your daily routine. By using EFT for small daily experiences of stress, you can build self-reliance and trust to equip yourself for the more challenging situations you might find yourself facing. EFT has been used in scientific research and has been shown to be an effective technique in anxiety, depression, and even PTSD. A randomised controlled trial in menopausal women dealing with mild-moderate depression found that after two EFT training sessions and 8 weeks of daily self-practice, the frequency of moderate depression in the EFT group decreased from 56.8 to 9.35% - what a result with no side effects!

A study in nurses who received online EFT training during the pandemic reported significant reductions in stress, anxiety and burnout. Another study showed that after a 4-day EFT workshop significant declines were found in anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, pain, and cravings. Happiness increased, and significant improvements were found in resting heart rate and blood pressure. Finally, a recent randomised controlled trial in cancer survivors with self-reported 'chemo brain’ (chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment) showed a statistically significant reduction in brain processing measures, distress, depressive symptoms, fatigue and an improvement in quality of life.

When you get started with EFT, it is best to have weekly sessions to begin with until you learn the ropes and can use it as a self-management tool. This can work really well for specific issues, e.g. anxiety before surgery, scanxiety (anxiety around scans and receiving scan results) and helping with symptom relief.


£320 for a block of 4 sessions - these would ideally be booked weekly

professional qualifications

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