Sophie TREW

Synthesis Clinic referral network member


Qualified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting (MRT), REIKI ANd NLP practitioner

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Your breath is one of the simplest, yet most powerful self-healing tools you have to transform your physical, mental and spiritual health. The way you breathe affects every system and function in your body. By changing the way you breathe you can change the way you live, how you feel, your energy levels and stress levels.

As a breathwork coach and holistic mentor I work with you to support your unique health goals and to empower you to realise your body’s self-healing capacities. We build your confidence, self trust and self awareness. Through conscious breathwork you can access the full potential of your respiratory system for greater wellbeing.

Our sessions will be a safe space for you to breathe, de-stress and build resilience.

Sophie’s background in coaching

I have worked with women in the integrative cancer space for 6 years running workshops, talks and events. My entrance into the world of holistic health came from my own experience with blood cancer in my early 20s where I used an integrative medicine approach in my recovery.

I have since trained with and learnt from practitioners around the world in breathwork, reiki, meditation and mindfulness, with teachers in India, Mexico and South East Asia. I am trained in transformational breathwork, meditation & mindfulness, EFT & Matrix Reimprinting, NLP, Thai Massage and Reiki. I work intuitively in each session bringing these tools together to create a nurturing and unique environment focussed on each client’s goals.

Areas of specialist interest:

  • cancer support

  • the mind-body connection, sleep, stress reduction,

  • the nervous system,

  • asthma,

  • integration for life’s transitions and emotional wellbeing

Often a health challenge can provide an opportunity for us to look at what is important in our lives. I believe in an integrated, whole person, functional approach to health which includes finding meaning, fulfilment, contentment and joy in our lives. Our diet isn’t just what we eat but how we think, move, what we read, listen to, watch and who we spend our time with.

What happens in a typical 1:1 breathwork session?

After assessing your needs a session together will include breathing exercises, movement, visualisations, affirmations, guided self massage, sound and relaxation. Working together you’ll be empowered to learn simple, yet transformative tools to support your healing and increase vitality. Each session is unique so coming with an open mind and no expectation is supportive.

Through conscious connected breathwork and EFT we can work on a subconscious level where we can remove unhelpful patterns of behaviour, gently release trauma, tension and pain. Around 95% of our thought patterns and behaviours are unconscious.

We always end the sessions with relaxation this can include yoga nidra (a guided sleep meditation) and distance reiki if appropriate.

How can breathwork improve my health?

Every day we take on average 20,000 breaths but most of us are shallow breathing. Improper breathing and low levels of oxygen are a contributor to ill health. Your breath is one of the most important pillars of health.

Shallow breathing affects our immune system, digestive health, stress & anxiety levels and our ability to detoxify (get rif of body waste products) amongst other things.

Sophie’s breathwork sessions are absolutely transformative! I was initially a bit sceptical, I’d never done anything like breathwork before, but each session provides restoration, regeneration
and calm. I’m a total convert and have noticed the benefits outside in everyday life. I feel more energised, grounded and connected to myself, better able to ride and navigate a hectic world. I
cannot recommend Sophie and breathwork highly enough.
— Chris, Breathwork Client

Benefits of breathwork include:

  • support for natural body processes, including a healthy immune systems and elimination of waste products

  • increased presence, calm, creativity and joy

  • reduced stress, anxiety, depression and addiction

  • alleviation of self sabotage and limiting beliefs

  • reduction in pain, fatigue and greater sustainable energy

  • improved sleep and concentration

  • support for digestive health

  • gentle release of trauma, tension and trapped emotions

  • deeper connection to self, your purpose and intuition

  • calmer nervous system and greater emotional resilience

Sophie’s areas of expertise

  • integrative cancer support focusing on emotional wellbeing

  • mind-body & integration support

  • stress & anxiety reducing techniques

  • breathwork for asthma, chronic illness and fatigue

  • sleep and relaxation

  • mindfulness & self-care practices

  • spiritual health and exploring post-traumatic growth

  • creativity, confidence and finding meaning

BREATHWORK and mind-body Coaching fees

  • 75 min coaching session - £100

  • A block of 4 sessions with self-care practices in between - £400

Please contact reception for a referral to Sophie.

professional qualifications

  • Degree in Journalism- University of Sheffield

  • Transformational Breathwork with Inspirational Breathing

  • 100 Hours Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher Training in India - The Yoga Alliance

  • EFT Level 1 & 2 & Matrix Reimprinting - The EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Academy

  • Reiki Level 1 & 2 - Wonderland, Thailand

  • Mindset Coaching - Champion Academy London

  • Theta Healing & Belief Work Basic DNA - Bourgeon

  • Biodynamic Breathwork with Giten Tonkov - The Shift Network

  • 50 Hours Social Justice Embodiment training - The Embody Lab (In Progress)

  • Death Doula & Grief Training - Going with Grace (In Progress)

  • Shamanic Apprenticeship - The Centre for Shamanism (In Progress)