CONSULTANT Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

PREcision Women’s health and Lifestyle Medicine Physician

I am a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and a Precision Health and Lifestyle Medicine Physician, with over 14 years’ experience in women’s health. I have always been committed to the pursuit of evidence-based, holistic approach to medical care, especially when it comes to the health of my patients.

During my higher specialty training I knew that my long-term focus would be in women’s health, and I obtained an additional Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health, as well as qualifying as a Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. I am the Clinical Lead for Diabetes in Pregnancy and Clinical Risk Lead for Obstetrics within my NHS organisation. I am accredited by the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM) and the European Society of Lifestyle Medicine. I have also been certified by the Institute of Functional Medicine after completing their Advanced Functional Medicine Clinical Practice (AFMCP) course.

My scientific integrative approach to health ensures that I look at wellness from an “upstream” perspective. I am increasingly aware of how disease needs to be seen from many angles within a multidisciplinary team setting. It is apparent to me that we cannot continue to keep plastering over health issues with pharmaceuticals – dealing purely with symptom control without looking at the “how” or “why” of the development of those symptoms. While I advocate the need for hormones and medicines in appropriate circumstances, I believe that each patient is unique and that one size does not fit all. 

My long-term goal is to empower women to take ownership of their health goals and concerns, affording them the opportunity to future-proof their health. Modern medicine should be about health prevention and improved well-being of patients not just treating their symptoms.

Women’s Health specialty interests

  • Complex women’s health cases, including sex hormone, thyroid and HPA (adrenal) axis dysfunction and gut health

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Fertility problems

  • PMS and dysmenorrhoea (painful periods)

  • Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)

  • Endometriosis

  • Pre-pregnancy diabetes optimisation

  • Cyclical migraines

  • Perimenopause and menopause

Important note

Please note that Synthesis Clinic is not a specialist eating disorder (ED) clinic, and we are not able to take on patients with an active eating disorder. We are only able to support patients who have been in stable long-term remission from a past eating disorder. Please note that Dr Shacaluga is not an ED specialist. Some of our general nutrition education handouts provided may include foods to include and foods to limit, so if this may be triggering in any way, finding specialist support outside our practice would be best.

WOmen’s health package fees

Dr Shacaluga’s initial package includes one 75 min initial consultation and one 60 min follow-up consultation with written plans and is priced at £675. Further follow-ups range from £250 to £300 depending on duration and whether there are in-depth test results to discuss.

Dr Shacaluga is recognised by the following health insurance providers. Please check your coverage and confirm details with your women’s health clinic coordinator.